I am a certified Jungian psychoanalyst and licensed counselor with over 30 years experience helping people to make positive life changes. Read more about my background. Read More…
Working with a therapist can be helpful for anyone who is interested in getting the most out of their life by increasing self-awareness and understanding, developing personal strengths and working towards an improved quality of life. Here are some suggestions to help you decide if therapy will meet your needs. Read More…
Choosing a therapist can be overwhelming. Here are the questions I would ask if I were choosing a therapist for myself or a loved one. Read More…
I approach each client with the immediate priority of relieving any troubling symptoms and resolving current life problems, ensuring a safe, supportive, professional environment to work on these issues. Here are some ideas of what you can expect. Read More…
Whether you are considering brief counseling for a life problem or in-depth psychotherapy, finding a highly trained and experienced therapist is essential. Psychoanalysts, including Jungian analysts, have the most extensive training of all practitioners in the mental health field. Read More…