“The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm which is not easily disturbed.” — C.G. Jung
Stress and anxiety are normal aspects of daily life. But sometimes, anxieties and fears become overwhelming. When anxiety is present most of the time, or it intensifies into phobias, panic attacks, insomnia or continuous worry, it’s time to consider seeking help.
Therapy is effective in dealing with anxiety and can often eliminate the need for medication, while empowering the person with ways of maintaining inner calm long after treatment has ended.
Few states are as difficult to live with as anxiety. Our bodies have a biological response that is impossible to ignore: our hands sweat, our hearts race, our stomachs turn over, our shoulders knot up. We may feel dizzy or have trouble breathing and a sense of impending doom makes it hard to focus on anything positive. Trying to calm down, or knowing that the fear is irrational, does nothing to help. This is the state of ‘fight of flight,’ a natural condition for escaping physical danger, but very problematic if we are not physically threatened. The body becomes revved up and the mind races from one fear to the next. If this state persists, it can lead to problems with health, relationships and job performance.
Some of us seem prone to be more anxious than others. Such people may be insecure, perfectionistic, highly sensitive to criticism, driven to succeed, or compelled to feel in control of events. At other times, tendencies toward anxiety can be the residue of past traumas or hurts. Regardless of how and where your anxiety originated, you are not doomed to suffer with anxiety for life. Therapy can help you to create a calmer and more peaceful life.
Anxiety has both physical and psychological aspects and both must be addressed. We might begin with some practical calming methods to help relieve immediate distress. Although anxiety is an internal process, it is often a response to overwhelming external situations. Together we will work to identify and resolve any situations that are increasing your anxiety. Additionally, we can explore the meaning and potential purpose embedded in the anxiety symptoms.
From a Jungian perspective, anxiety symptoms are trying to tell us that something is out of balance. Rather than kill the messenger, by trying to suppress the symptoms with medication or self-medicating with alcohol, smoking, overeating, etc, we can consider the underlying message of the anxiety. Viewed in this way, anxiety symptoms can become a guide to understand aspects of our life that are no longer working. It sometimes takes anxiety to propel us out of situations that we have outgrown and toward healthier, more satisfying choices. When we address the causes of the anxiety, we gain understanding and the power to live a fuller, more balanced life.