Sessions via FaceTime, Zoom or Telephone

Telehealth sessions are conducted similarly to in-person sessions and they are the same length (50 minutes).  Sessions are confidential, and you can freely talk about any issue.

It’s essential to ensure that you have a confidential setting for your sessions and to minimize distractions by turning off your cell phone and other electronic devices. If you are caring for children at home, I suggest we meet when you can arrange childcare. You may wish to use a headset for increased privacy.

FaceTime and Zoom are no-fee, internet-based video conferencing application that stream via most computer operating systems worldwide. Their simplicity of use and high-quality transmission are best experienced via a high-speed internet connection.

FaceTime is available only on Apple computers, iPads and iPhones. It gets high marks for encryption and ease of use.

Zoom requires an account, which I provide.

Some people are more comfortable working by telephone.  Please let me know if you want to discuss this option.

My fee is the same ($175) as fees for a session in my office. Payment is by credit card only.

Potential Issues and Cautions

  • It’s important to ensure that you have a confidential setting for your sessions. 
  • You will require a high-speed internet connection.
  • Technology can, and occasionally will, fail. Prior to our first session, we will discuss what to do if the internet connection fails.
  • Although these services use encryption, it is possible for electronic information transmitted over the Internet to be intercepted. While this is rare, please understand that I cannot control information as it is being transmitted over the Internet during your session.
  • Teleconferencing therapy is not appropriate for individuals who are experiencing profound mental health issues, for active addicts and for those who are suicidal.
  • If at any time you feel uncomfortable working with teleconferencing, I encourage you to tell me. Remember, you are in charge. If you find that this type of session is not comfortable for you, we can discuss options and referrals for in-person therapy.